Can all companies served as a UK company corporate director? It depends on the company’s Board members. Board members can nominate the persons that they think he / she can manage the company and seek benefits for them if he / she acts as a director of the company. However, the following persons cannot serve as a director of the Company:-
(1) he / she is being revoked by the court its company directors' qualifications;
(2) he / she is an un-discharged bankrupt;
(3) an adult has yet to reach the age of 18.
For registration, directors must ensure that all legally required documents are presented in a timely manner to the UK Registrar of Companies:-
(1) an annual income and expenditure;
(2) an Annual Report;
(3) a report on company director or company secretary or the Company's shareholders or any changed information;
(4) any report on change of the company's registered address.