HK company search
HK Companies Registry provides efficient, cost-effective search services for searching HK companies’ information. There are two ways to do so, “online search” and search at the Companies Registry office.
Information of a company incorporated in Hong Kong can be searched in the Companies Registry. You can retrieve data about HK companies’ date of incorporation / registration / dissolution / company name records / company category / liquidation mode and place of incorporation (applies to non-HK company) and other basic information.
At the same time, you can also apply to the Registrar of Companies requesting for HK company information reports. This report lists out the HK company's registered office address (only applicable to local companies), principal place of business in HK and the authorized representative data (only for non-HK company), capital structure, the current directors’ name, company secretary, receiver and manager of information (if any), and the liquidator of information (if any) etc.
Deep Blue provides such searching services for HK companies’ information.