A trademark is something that can be represented as an icon and that it can be an enterprise's goods or services as compared with other companies, to distinguish its goods or services. Trademarks can be caused by text (including personal names), graphics, letters, numbers, or shape of goods or merchandise packaging composition etc.
Registered trademarks are based from the UK trademark law. Trademark registration can be obtained through a property right, the registered proprietor owns these rights and grant remedies which provided by the United Kingdom Trade Marks Act.
"Prior Trade Mark" means the date of application for the registration of a trademark, when dispute over the date of the earliest application for that registered trademark, International Trademark (English) or Community Trade Mark that has been entitled as "Paris Convention" which is a well-known trademark protection trademark .
1, The UK Trademark - Validity Period:-
Once the trademarks is registered in UK, it last for 10 years. It can be based on Article 43 of the UK Trade Marks Act for renewing another 10 years.
2, The Follow-up Procedures after the UK Trademark Registration:-
Those involved in trademark registration, the deletion, alteration, transfer and renewal that are carried out in accordance with the UK Trade Marks Act;
UK is a member of the Madrid Agreement. The Madrid International Trademark Registration is in accordance with the "International Trade Mark (UK)" which en-power the right to be protected in UK.