Wholly foreign-owned enterprise is a private owned economic entity:- It's entire capital is from foreign direct investment, the amount originally invested by foreign imports with unlimited number of investors.
The investors of wholly foreign-owned enterprises are those outside from the PRC. It must be natural persons, enterprises or other economic organizations. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau enterprises, economic organizations or natural in, though it is not called foreign enterprises or foreign natural persons, as a Special Administrative Region, for those types of natural persons to invest in China, there is a special legislation to address these areas’ businessmen to invest in China issues; it refers to "Foreign Law" requirement for approval and registration.
Wholly foreign-owned enterprises by foreign investors to invest directly and independently to operate business, its organizational form is a limited liability company. The company's capital cannot be sourced from the public, but only financed by the investor who subscribed; for the subscribed capital contribution by the shareholders and the investment ratio, it is determined in consultation; the extent that the shareholders subscribed is the amount of investment in the limited liability company.
For those persons who establish a wholly foreign-owned limited by law, its minimum registered capital shall comply with the "Company Law", the section about sole limited companies; establishment of a foreign natural person limited company shall also meet the "Company Law", the relevant sections for the sole limited foreign enterprise. The provisions of the investment restricted the re-establishment of a limited liability company. Should it has previously been legally established on or before 1 January 2006 and the foreign-owned companies remain unchanged, the change of registered capital and foreign investment shall comply with the above requirements.