Administration of Human Resource Agent in Joint Venture

Joint talent agency means the foreign job intermediary services companies, enterprises and other economic organizations and intermediary services personnel to carry out Chinese companies, enterprises and other economic organizations, according to the joint venture in China's talent agency.

Job intermediary services for foreign companies, enterprises and other economic organizations in China are those engaged in human service activities that must be carried out with the Chinese talent agency services companies, enterprises and other economic organizations, joint venture, setting up a special talent agency.

It must not establish a wholly foreign-owned talent agency.   To apply for the establishment of a sino-foreign talent agency, it must be through the district or location of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipality personnel administration department for approval, obtain the "Staff Service", and report to the State Council Administrative Department for personnel record.   To apply for the establishment of sino-foreign talent agency, one of the following conditions are necessary:-

1.  Any Application for the establishment of sino-foreign talent agency.  The Chinese investors and the foreign investor should set up three years talents intermediaries and have a good reputation;

2.   There is a sound organizational structure and a full-time staff who is familiar with human resource management business and which must have five or more with college that has science experience and qualifications for job intermediary services;

3.  The registered capital is of not less than $ 300,000, including foreign joint venture's capital contribution of not less than 25%, the Chinese joint venture's contribution ratio shall not be less than 51%.